Sunday, August 9, 2009

After 3 update. FINALLY!

So, I'm apparently a slacker when it comes to blogging. I just realized I haven't updated in a WHILE!...yeesh! Here are a few of my favorites, honestly its really hard to choose! ;) Enjoy!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

I'm possibly going to get to shoot these guys again this weekend and I'm SOOOOO excited! I love these guys and they're such easy subjects! They're completely game to go along with whatever crazy idea I have (just look at the first picture!) Just wanted to share some of the beauty of this awesome couple I know.

This is quite possibly one of my favorites....they both thought I was CRAZY when I asked them to pose against the wall...I told them I'd explain later on..
I got EXTREMELY lucky with this shot.

like 2 seconds later, she fell.

This is looks like something for a movie..

same as the first one, minus the comparisson.

love this.

I love how the sun is shining in this one..

they look soooo content.

I was told this is how they spend most of their time.

he loves her, she loves him, thats all there is to it.


Friday, April 24, 2009 here.

just a few flower shots.....(this is what I do when they stick me out at the garden register, at work...)....
hope you enjoy them...

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

First Post....hrmm

So, I completely and TOTALLY forgot about having started this blog....I vow to use it to show off my I had planned to!....I'll keep you posted and try to post some of my photography as often as possible. So, with that are a couple of random shots....I chose people as the subject of this post..